Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who is that?

So......over the years I have put on a little weight (insert hilarious laugh track here). But lately, when I look in the mirror, I really DO NOT recognize who is looking back at me.
When I got my hair cut the other day, I was sitting in the chair and touched my face. Is that really what I look like? You know that old game: Hi, I'm Chubby. My mama's name is Chubby. My daddy's name is Chubby, and even my dog's name is Chubby." I look like the chubby Mama.
I remember before I crept up to 200 pounds (Did I actually just put that?), I thought that I would NEVER get over 200 pounds. Well, I am there and then some...and then some more.

A change is more than overdue! I am not being fair to my family, especially my daughter, in more ways than I can count. So that means...
no Easter basket for me this year...

Is today the first day of the rest of my life...???
I pray to God that it is.